Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS): Eligibility, Process, Budget, and Committee

myHQ Workplace
3 min readMay 23, 2024

The Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at providing financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry, and commercialization. Launched under the Startup India initiative, SISFS aims to empower startups in their early stages by offering seed funding to help them navigate the critical phase of establishing their business.

Eligibility Criteria of SISFS

To qualify for the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme, startups must meet specific criteria designed to ensure that the funding supports genuinely innovative and potentially impactful businesses:

  1. Entity Type: The startup must be recognized by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
  2. Age of Startup: The startup should not be more than two years old at the time of application.
  3. Innovative Nature: The startup should be working towards the development or commercialization of a new product, process, or service.
  4. Investment Stage: The startup should not have received more than ₹10 lakh in funding from any other government scheme.
  5. Ownership: Shareholding by Indian promoters should be at least 51% at the time of application.

Application Process of SISFS

The process of applying for SISFS is straightforward but requires careful preparation and adherence to guidelines:

  1. Preparation of Documents: Startups need to prepare their pitch deck, business plan, and proof of concept.
  2. Online Application: Applications are submitted online through the Startup India portal.
  3. Evaluation: Applications are evaluated based on criteria such as the innovativeness of the idea, market potential, team capability, and financial projections.
  4. Presentation: Shortlisted startups may be invited to present their business plan to an expert committee.
  5. Approval and Disbursement: Approved startups receive seed funding which is disbursed in stages based on milestones achieved.

Budget Allocation of SISFS

The Government of India has allocated a total of ₹945 crores for SISFS, which will be disbursed over a period of four years starting from 2021. This fund is distributed across approved incubators that act as intermediaries between the government and the startups.

  1. Incubator Funding: Selected incubators receive grants to provide seed funding to startups.
  2. Startup Funding: Each startup can receive up to ₹20 lakh as a grant for validation of proof of concept, or prototype development.
  3. Follow-on Funding: An additional ₹50 lakh can be provided to startups for market entry, commercialization, or scaling up through convertible debentures or debt-linked instruments.

Governing Committee

The execution and monitoring of SISFS are overseen by a committee comprising experts from various fields. The committee ensures that the scheme is implemented effectively and that the funds are utilized appropriately.

  1. Project Management Committee (PMC): This committee oversees the overall execution of the scheme, including the selection of incubators and monitoring their performance.
  2. Experts Advisory Committee (EAC): Consists of domain experts, successful entrepreneurs, and industry veterans who evaluate the applications and recommend startups for funding.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC): Responsible for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the incubators and the funded startups to ensure compliance and successful outcomes.

Impact and Future Prospects

SISFS is expected to create a robust startup ecosystem in India by reducing the financial risk for early-stage startups and fostering innovation. By providing seed funding, the scheme aims to:

  • Encourage entrepreneurship.
  • Support the development of innovative products and services.
  • Facilitate job creation and economic growth.

As the scheme progresses, it is anticipated to significantly contribute to India’s goal of becoming a global startup hub. Continuous improvements and monitoring will ensure that SISFS remains aligned with the evolving needs of the startup ecosystem.


The Startup India Seed Fund Scheme represents a significant step towards nurturing the startup ecosystem in India. By offering financial support during the critical early stages of development, SISFS helps startups transform their innovative ideas into viable businesses. The structured eligibility criteria, transparent application process, substantial budget allocation, and diligent oversight by expert committees ensure that the scheme delivers on its promise to support and accelerate the growth of startups across the country.



myHQ Workplace

myHQ, established in 2016 by IIT Delhi graduates- Utkarsh Kawatra and Vinayak Agrawal, is a leading player in India's dynamic flexible workspace industry.